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School with a Cause: South East Asia Donation Package

School with a Cause: South East Asia Donation Package


We are currently fundraising to support the opening of a new Bible school in South East Asia. Our goal is to raise £4,000 to assist with the cost of plumbing, wiring, and computers. This Christmas we invite you to give the gift of giving by "purchasing" a £10 donation via School with a Cause: South East Asia Donation Package. If your donation is £20 or over, you will also recieve a surprise Christmas gift from us!

You can donate by purchasing this donation package or giving directly via bank transfer. 

If you would like to give more than £10 via this donation package, simply purchase as many donation packages needed for your desired donation. For example, 5 South East Asia Donation Packages to give £50.

If you would like to give via Bank Transfer, the details are as follows:

Harvest Bible College

Sort Code: 80-08-23

Acct. Number: 00100776

If you give via bank transfer, please reference "Build a Bible School" for your transfer and email with your postal address to receive your gift. 

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